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admin1年前 (2023-06-03)未命名1

Apple ID Logout: What You Need to Know

1. What Happens When You Logout of Your Apple ID?

Signing out of your Apple ID means losing access to some of the essential services provided by Apple. These include iCloud, iTunes store, App store, iMessage, and FaceTime. It also erases any changes made to customization and preferences like bookmarks, Siri suggestions, and notification settings across all your devices signed on with the Apple ID in question.

Additionally, documents and files saved on iCloud will be removed from the device on logout. Apple also warns that signing out while having Family Sharing enables will result in some services being inaccessible to other members of the family sharing plan.

2. When Should You Log Out of Your Apple ID?

If you plan on selling or passing down your device, Apple recommends signing out or erasing all the content and settings from the device beforehand. This helps in protecting your personal information from whoever gets hold of the device later. Similarly, if you suspect that your account may have been compromised, signing out and resetting passwords is a recommended security measure.

Furthermore, logging out of your Apple ID on a shared device or one that you no longer use also makes sense. This is to prevent unauthorized purchases, accidental deletions or edits, and unwanted merging of data between devices.

3. How to Log Out of Your Apple ID?

On iOS, iPadOS, and macOS devices, signing out of your Apple ID is done through the settings app or system preferences. In the settings app, one can find their Apple ID under their name and icon at the top of the screen and then click on 'Sign Out' at the bottom of the page. On a Mac, the Apple ID is situated in the bottom-left corner of the Apple Menu which, when clicked, reveals the option to 'Sign Out.'

Alternatively, one can sign out of an Apple ID remotely by navigating to the Apple ID website and entering login credentials. Then, click on 'Devices' under account settings and select your device before clicking on the 'Remove' option. This will sign out the Apple ID from the chosen device, and the device will no longer appear on the list.


Signing out of your Apple ID may have some consequences, but it is sometimes necessary for security and privacy reasons. By logging out, you can keep your personal information safe, protect data and settings from unwanted changes, and share devices without merging data. Logout is simple and can be done from either your device's settings or remotely via Apple ID's website.


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