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admin2年前 (2023-05-27)未命名63

The Guide of Setting up Apple ID on iPhone X

1. How to Create an Apple ID

Step 1: Go to Settings and tap on your name.

Step 2: Tap "iTunes & App Store" and then "Sign In".

Step 3: Click "Create New Apple ID".

Step 4: Fill in your email address and password, then select your country or region and agree to the terms and conditions.

Step 5: Enter your payment information and billing address, then tap "Next".

Step 6: Enter your personal information including your name and birthday.

Step 7: Verify your email address and phone number.

2. How to Change Your Apple ID Password

Step 1: Go to Settings and tap on your name.

Step 2: Tap "Password & Security" and then "Change Password".

Step 3: Enter your current password, then enter the new password and confirm it.

Step 4: Tap "Change Password".

3. How to Use Face ID for Your Apple ID

Step 1: Go to Settings and tap on "Face ID & Passcode".

Step 2: Enter your passcode.

Step 3: Tap "Set Up Face ID" and follow the instructions.

Step 4: Go to "Settings" and tap on your name.

Step 5: Tap "iTunes & App Store" and then "Password Settings".

Step 6: Turn on "Require Password".

4. Conclusion

Creating an Apple ID, changing your password, and using Face ID are all essential for protecting your personal information and managing your iTunes and App Store purchases. With these easy steps, you can set them up quickly and easily on your iPhone X.


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