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admin2年前 (2023-05-23)未命名34

Understanding the Different Apple ID Email Endings

The Different Apple ID Email Endings

Every Apple user has an Apple ID that allows them to access various services such as iTunes, App Store, iCloud, and many others. However, did you know that Apple provides different email suffixes for different countries?

For example, if you reside in the United States, your Apple ID email will end with @icloud.com, while in China, it will end with @163.com, and in Japan, it will end with @me.com.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Apple ID Email Endings

Having an Apple ID email that ends with your country’s suffix has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of having a country-specific suffix is that it makes it easier for Apple to contact you with region-specific offers, updates, and information that is specific to your country.

On the other hand, the disadvantage of using a country-specific suffix is that you might miss out on international deals and offers that are not made available to your country's suffix.

How to Change Your Apple ID Email Endings

If you are not content with your current Apple ID email endings, it is possible to change it. However, keep in mind that you may need to create a new Apple ID if you want to use a different suffix than the one from your country.

To change your Apple ID suffix:

1. Go to the Apple ID website and login using your current credentials.

2. Select “Edit” next to “Apple ID and Primary Email Address” and update your email suffix to the desired one.

3. Save the changes and follow the prompts provided.


In conclusion, while most users may not pay attention to the email suffix of their Apple ID, it can actually make a significant impact on their user experience. Whether it is the advantage of getting region-specific deals or the disadvantages of missing out on international deals and offers. Changing your Apple ID email endings might be worth considering.


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